PicoBorg - Control small motors from your Raspberry Pi
Installation issues
- Permission denied, file not found, 404 or similar:
There are a few possible causes of this:- Out of disk space:
We have occasionally seen this with people who have smaller SD cards, check by usingdf
If the Use% column reads 99 or 100% on rootfs you probably need to remove some files to free up space - Unable to find file / 404:
Most likely the internet connection is down or there are problems with the command, check you are connected to the internet okay withping -c4 google.co.uk
If you get errors it is probably the connection, if not check the name is correct.
If there is still a problem it might be an issue with the Linux repositories, trysudo apt-get update
to update where on the internet the Raspberry Pi looks for packages. - Unable to write to the given location:
This should not be the case (instructions use the users own folder), but try running using 'sudo'
- Out of disk space:
- E: Unable to locate package ...
Check your internet connection is okay as above, otherwise trysudo apt-get update
to update where on the internet the Raspberry Pi looks for packages. - PiBorg logo is missing from the desktop (text is there):
sometimes the desktop refresh is a bit temperamental, try restarting the Raspberry Pi.
Use issues
- My motor spins when I am not running any code
This is because the Raspberry Pi defaults pins to tri-stated (read disconnected), so the PicoBorg is unsure if the drive should be on or off.
We suggest you either disconnect the power when not in use or use a switch as show on the specification page. - Permission denied
You are probably trying to talk to GPIO pins without the correct permissions level, try running the same command with sudo, e.g.sudo python
- My motor runs backwards
Swap the M+ and M- connections either on the PicoBorg or the motor. - _tkinter.TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable
You are running a graphical program on a text only terminal (such as SSH), you need to run from a graphical environment. - Client is not authorised to connect to ServerTraceback
You are trying to run a graphical script / program with sudo, use gksudo instead. - _tkinter.TclError: couldn't connect to display
You are trying to run a graphical script / program with sudo, use gksudo instead.
In the event that you cannot solve your problem, please post here for further assistance.