Testing and Using the Raspberry Pi from a Mains Adaptor


In order to install additional software, or even use the Raspberry Pi for other things, without needing to drive the Robot is it OK to plug in a Raspberry Pi Power Supply to the Raspberry Pi. I am guessing that the ThunderBorg Motor Driver Board will need to be switched off so there is no power being supplied from the battery pack?

Just wanting to save battery power?

What about attaching a DC adaptor to the PP3 connector on the ThunderBorg? So that it can be tested without using battery power?


piborg's picture

It is okay to power the Pi from the USB supply as long as the ThunderBorg power remains disconnected or switched off.

When powered like this you should be able to talk to the ThunderBorg normally, but the motors will be unable to move.

Attaching a power supply to the PP3 connector is fine, but it is very easy to get the + and - connections back to front, which would damage the board! It may be easier to connect a power supply to the V+ and GND screw terminals instead and using the switch on the power supply itself.

So with the ThunderBorg battery lid switched off (and a battery removed TBS), plugging in a Raspberry Pi Main PSU powers the Pi with no apparent problems. When doing so the power LED on the ThunderBorg Battery Lid comes on and settles red.

piborg's picture

That is the expected behaviour, the LED is showing red as the battery voltage it measures is 0V

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