PicoBorg Reverse Test

Is it possible to test this Board to check the functionality?
I`m not shure if this board function correctly!

Greatings from switzerland

piborg's picture

It sounds like you are have trouble talking to the board based on previous messages.
I recommend we stick to solving this problem in a single forum thread to avoid any further confusion.

There are two ways we can try and see what is happening.
I suggest you try both and send us the results of all the checks.

1. Scan the I2C bus

This will help to see if there is a problem with the cabling or boards.
Try both of these commands:

  • sudo i2cdetect -y 0
  • sudo i2cdetect -y 1

What are the results from both?

2. Try to find the board from Python

This will find the board if it is all connected and working.
First go to the PicoBorg Reverse directory and start Python:

cd ~/picoborgrev

Now try these commands in Python:

import PicoBorgRev
print PicoBorgRev.ScanForPicoBorgReverse(0)
print PicoBorgRev.ScanForPicoBorgReverse(1)

What are the results from both?

Bus Number 1 or 0 it is the same problem!

piborg's picture

It looks like nothing is shown on the I2C bus at all.
Bus number 1 is the correct one for you to use, so make sure that is how the script is setup.

Based on previous posts (https://www.piborg.org/node/2225) it seems like this board was working correctly.
Has anything about the wiring been changed recently?

I know a few people have had some strange behaviors with flat batteries.
Can you try recharging / replacing the batteries to see if the problem goes away?

Wiring hasn`t been changed!
Batteries are brand new!
Could it be that the Board is dead?


piborg's picture

It is rather unlikely that the board has simply stopped working.
It is much more likely that something is causing a problem.

Is there anything else attached to the GPIO on the Raspberry Pi?


piborg's picture

Can you attach some photos of how the PicoBorg Reverse is wired up to everything?
In particular the connections on the GPIO and the PiocBorg Reverse itself are of the most interest.

Also do you have a multimeter?

I have a multimeter!

piborg's picture

The problem appears to be that the left and right cables are swapped over.

On the Easy Multiplexing Board you need to swap:

  1. Brown and Grey
  2. Red and Yellow
  3. Black and White

The wire Problem i have solved but the Problem with not found the PicoBoard Reverse is still her!

piborg's picture

As the wiring was back-to-front it is possible that either the PicoBorg Reverse or the Raspberry Pi now have damaged I/O pins.

Can you retry the instructions we posted in the first reply above and show us the results again?


piborg's picture

No luck there, the board still cannot be seen.

Unfortunately this makes damage to either the GPIO or the PicoBorg Reverse fairly likely now.
Put simply the GPIO pins are not designed to tolerate more than 3.3v and they have been accidentally connected to 5v comming from the BattBorg.

Do you have a different Raspberry Pi that could be used to check the PicoBorg Reverse on its own?

No i have not a second Raspberry Pi !
No Luck...

piborg's picture

Unfortunately it is very difficult to check either board to see if they are damaged.
We can try and check the GPIO pins we need, it might help.

What I would suggest is disconnecting everything (that includes the Multiplexing board) from the Raspberry Pi.

Next connect the bare minimum you need to control the Raspberry Pi and power it from a USB supply.

Now try this script:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
import wiringpi2 as wiringpi


wiringpi.pinMode(PIN_SDA, wiringpi.GPIO.OUTPUT)
wiringpi.pinMode(PIN_SCL, wiringpi.GPIO.OUTPUT)

print 'Press CTRL+C to exit'
while True:
    wiringpi.digitalWrite(PIN_SDA, 1)
    wiringpi.digitalWrite(PIN_SCL, 1)
    print 'Pins ON (3.3v)'
    wiringpi.digitalWrite(PIN_SDA, 0)
    wiringpi.digitalWrite(PIN_SCL, 0)
    print 'Pins OFF (0v)'

and check these pins using a multimeter while the script is running:

  1. SDA: http://pinout.xyz/pinout/pin3_gpio2
  2. SCL: http://pinout.xyz/pinout/pin5_gpio3

If the Raspberry Pi is working they should both change between 3.3v and 0v at one second intervals.
Anything else suggests that the pin measured is not working correctly anymore.


I can not run this script correctly

piborg's picture

You need to run the commands in python for them to work.

im sorry, this was not good thinked from me!
when script is running then i go with the multimeter + to the pin3 and with - to the pin6?

i was not able to run this script but perhaps is the wiring pi test with pictures helpful

piborg's picture

Unfortunately it looks like the GPIO pins are damaged on your Raspberry Pi.
It seems that both of the I2C pins are damaged, along with some others.

Unfortunately this means that the Raspberry Pi cannot talk with the PicoBorg Reverse anymore.
The only fix I can suggest to you is to replace the Raspberry Pi with a new one.

Given the damage caused I would suggest making a careful note of the correct way to wire the pins up for next time.
Hopefully the PicoBorg Reverse itself is undamaged and replacing the Raspberry Pi is enough to fix everything.

Sorry for the bad news :(

I ordered a new raspberry 3 and i hope i don't make the mistake a second time...

With an new RP3 and a new Picoborg Reverse i have the same problem! No Pico Board found...
(I it fitted direct, not with the Ultraboard)

piborg's picture

It is possible that the PicoBorg Reverse was also damaged, but it is hard to check.

Does the UltraBorg work if it is connected on its own?

I hope not so, but it is possible that the second PBR is also damaged, but not because of me. I was very careful and i connected it after i checked all wires (from you)...
So i don`t think that it is may fault...
It is very strange, because the led of the first PBR funktion when it starts, the led of the second PBR doesn`t funktion at all.
So what can i do?
I don`t want to order a third PicoBorg Reverse....

The UltraBorg i haven`t connected so far...

Only for testing i connected the Ultra Borg und sudanly the PicoBorg Reverse function normally... And it is the old one, not the new one!
Now i am totally confused but also happy that it function...

piborg's picture

It is good to hear that the first PicoBorg Reverse is undamaged :)
Sorry for the confusion in the previous message, I did not know you were testing with a replacement board.

I would suggest the latest trouble was probably a bad cable.
Some of the three-pin cables do not make a good enough connection for the I2C to work, this is why we supply a spare.

The best thing to do is take some photos of how it is connected now that the board is working.
If you run into problems again you should be able to go back to the connections from the photos.
I would suggest you stick to using the cables that are working at the moment if you can.

As for connecting other bits I would recommend attaching one new thing at a time and make sure everything still works.
That way it makes it easier to figure out what the problem is when something stops working.

I just taked the Fotos this morning...
Is there a fully ended functional Script to use with the Ultra Borg and PicoBorg?

piborg's picture

We do have an example, but it is very simple.
It only uses one sensor, but it should give an idea of how this can be used for more complicated tasks.
It is based on the ubServoFromDistances.py example, but sets motor speeds instead of servo positions.

The script below will attempt to keep the distance seen from ultrasonic sensor #1 around 200 mm.
It does this by setting the motor speeds faster / slower depending on how far away it is currently reading.
The same script is attached to the bottom of this post so that you can download it instead of having to copy it.


#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: latin-1

# Import the libraries we need
import UltraBorg
import PicoBorgRev
import time
import math
import sys

# Settings
distanceMin = 100.0             # Minimum distance in mm, corresponds to DiddyBorg reversing at 100%
distanceMax = 300.0             # Maximum distance in mm, corresponds to DiddyBorg driving at 100%

# Start the UltraBorg
UB = UltraBorg.UltraBorg()      # Create a new UltraBorg object
UB.Init()                       # Set the board up (checks the board is connected)

# Setup the PicoBorg Reverse
PBR = PicoBorgRev.PicoBorgRev()
#PBR.i2cAddress = 0x44                  # Uncomment and change the value if you have changed the board address
if not PBR.foundChip:
    boards = PicoBorgRev.ScanForPicoBorgReverse()
    if len(boards) == 0:
        print 'No PicoBorg Reverse found, check you are attached :)'
        print 'No PicoBorg Reverse at address %02X, but we did find boards:' % (PBR.i2cAddress)
        for board in boards:
            print '    %02X (%d)' % (board, board)
        print 'If you need to change the I²C address change the setup line so it is correct, e.g.'
        print 'PBR.i2cAddress = 0x%02X' % (boards[0])
#PBR.SetEpoIgnore(True)                 # Uncomment to disable EPO latch, needed if you do not have a switch / jumper
PBR.SetCommsFailsafe(False)             # Disable the communications failsafe

# Power settings
voltageIn = 12.0                        # Total battery voltage to the PicoBorg Reverse
voltageOut = 6.0                        # Maximum motor voltage

# Setup the power limits
if voltageOut > voltageIn:
    maxPower = 1.0
    maxPower = voltageOut / float(voltageIn)

# Calculate our divisor
distanceDiv = (distanceMax - distanceMin) / 2.0

# Loop over the sequence until the user presses CTRL+C
print 'Press CTRL+C to finish'
    # Initial settings
    speed = 0.0
    driveLeft = 0.0
    driveRight = 0.0
    while True:
        # Read all four ultrasonic values, we use the filtered values so we get accurate readings
        usm1 = UB.GetDistance1()
        usm2 = UB.GetDistance2()
        usm3 = UB.GetDistance3()
        usm4 = UB.GetDistance4()
        # Convert to the nearest millimeter
        usm1 = int(usm1)
        usm2 = int(usm2)
        usm3 = int(usm3)
        usm4 = int(usm4)
        # Determine the speed of DiddyBorg based on the distance readings
        if usm1 != 0:
            speed = ((usm1 - distanceMin) / distanceDiv) - 1.0
            if speed > 1.0:
                speed = 1.0
            elif speed < -1.0:
                speed = -1.0
        driveLeft = speed
        driveRight = speed
        # Set our new speed
        PBR.SetMotor1(driveRight * maxPower)
        PBR.SetMotor2(-driveLeft * maxPower)
        # Wait between readings
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    # User has pressed CTRL+C
    print 'Done'

Can i run this script parallel to other script for example the WEbUi?

piborg's picture

Sort of, it depends what you want to happen.

If you run this script and the WebUI at the same time you will not be able to control the robot from the WebUI.
This is because the script above is updating the motor speeds very often.

Most of our scripts are designed to be run individually, but some parts can be shared.
For example the camera output on the WebUI can be used in conjunction with any script that does not use the camera.

It might be worth asking bui_hong_phuc if he can upload his completed script.
I would reply to his It works like a charm comment and see if he is happy to share.
Bear in mind that his ultrasonic modules are mounted differently so the code will probably need adjustment to work with your robot :)

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