Info PicoBorg Schematic
Hi guys, I have some questions regarding the schematic of the PicoBorg reverse because mine is broken and i have to repair it.
I found the schematic on the forum (Attached to this topic), my question are:
1) Is this the updated schematic?
2) Why C1, C3 and C4 are polaryzed in the schematic but in the photo and on my board those are ceramic capacitor?
3) Are you sure that the big polaryzed capacitor C2 is the one that's connected to the VDD of the microcontroller? From the picture it doesn't look like that, but instead it look that's connected between P24V and GND (C1).
Thanks in advance!
Tue, 08/16/2016 - 17:00
PicoBorg Reverse schematic
I can see the confusion here, the schematic is basically correct, but the capacitor values are wrong.
During the PCB layout stage we chose to use ceramic capacitors for these lower values.
To save on component types they are all 100 nF capacitors.
It is a 330 μF capacitor rated for 25 V
Additionally R8 (used for the LED power) is actually 68 Ω.
Do you need help diagnosing where the fault is?
Wed, 08/17/2016 - 23:25
Thanks a lot for the
Thanks a lot for the explanation! I don't need help for now because i can see on my board that the big polarized is quite black and also 1 ceramic (It happened that my brother inverted the polarity of a lipo battery). But now i can ask my father to buy couple of new capacitor and i can easly replace them.
To re-cap:
C1 Polarized 330 μF of at least 25V
C2-C4 ceramic 100 nF at least 25V
Thu, 08/18/2016 - 10:29
Okay let us know how you get on :)
Yes, those are the correct values for the capacitors.