
I used the Playstation 3 Controller help sheet to install the controller on the DiddyBorg. All went well.

jstest reveals that the controller is connected and that I am get response from the various buttons.

However, when I start ./, I get the error

./ line 5: sixad: command not found.

The script goes on to load the PicoBoard Reverse and I can use the left joystick to move the DiddyBorg back and forth, but the right joystick does not respond. I did see it respond in jstest.

Can you help?

Does sixad have to be installed separately after following the Playsation3 Controller help sheet?

piborg's picture

With the new Jessie instructions sixad is no longer required to make the PS3 controller work.
You can run the ./ instead and it should work without trying to run sixad.

In order to steer the DiddyBorg left and right you need to hold the right stick in the direction you wish to turn and push the left stick forward at the same time to set the speed.

Shixo87's picture

I had the same issue with the Sixad command not found. I tried "./" but I got this message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/diddyborg/", line 109, in
events = pygame.event.get()
pygame.error: video system not initialized

What is the reason for this? I read from some forums that this command requires the Raspberry to be connected to a screen! how come if I need to launch it from remote SSH?!

piborg's picture

The SSH issue with pygame has been a pain for us, there is a particular line in the script which some poeple need to make it work, others have problems with the line included.

The line in qestion is highlighted here:

# Setup pygame and wait for the joystick to become available
os.environ["SDL_VIDEODRIVER"] = "dummy" # Removes the need to have a GUI window
print 'Waiting for joystick... (press CTRL+C to abort)'
while True:

Try removing the comment symbol (#) from the start of the line and see if the diddyJoy script runs correctly from SSH.

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