Diddy mechanical mod(s)
Sure would be interested in obtaining more of the Diddy stainless/metal base plates. Plastic is just fine for the top cover, I just need the rigidity of a metal base plate to withstand repeatedly rolling over rough terrain at high speed with a large, heavy battery.
I am also interested in mounting the motors on the TOP of the base plate rather than the bottom. To help remove them a bit more from moisture while roving in wet grass on in the rain. Do you think the current wheel diameter is tall enough to allow this mod? If not perhaps a slightly taller wheel could be used, any suggestions?
Wed, 04/06/2016 - 13:58
DiddyBorg mechanical changes
The wheels would be large enough to mount on the other side of the Perspex, but there would be some issues:
Wed, 04/06/2016 - 17:25
The cover clearance issue(s)
The cover clearance issue(s) can be solved with longer spacers. But I was also concernd about ground clearance. All in all NOT a good exercise.
I have some large heat-shrink. Perhaps a cover plate over the end with the electrical connections and heat-shrink around the body with enough extra over the inside end to hold the cover plate in place. The bearing on the wheel end may be sufficient to keep moisture out of the gear drive assy.