Submitted by azorba on Wed, 12/03/2014 - 13:24
If you shutdown Raspberry Pi B+ for a period of time with the PiBorg and battery pack connected what if any level of battery drain will there be?
Also does PiBorg make use of a diode that allows current to flow in one direction only?
Please advise.
Wed, 12/03/2014 - 18:19
Battery Drain
We measured the following power drain from a shutdown Raspberry Pi B+
BattBorg with 8x rechargeable AAs → 52 mA
There is no protection diode on BattBorg to prevent reverse powering, so do not plug the 5v power cable and a BattBorg in at the same time ^_^
Thu, 12/04/2014 - 19:20
Reverse powering
That's an interesting tidbit. I may have to see if I can work it into my recharging system somehow. ;)