Regarding for C Course Pattern!

Hello Everyone, I am new in this community and I don't know this is right place or not to ask this question but I want to know the exact pattern to learn c programming and I am looking to C course. Can anyone suggest any online references for C course? I have research on that but I didn't find any best course as a fresher point of view.

piborg's picture

This looks like a decent introduction to C:

Start with installing dev c++ software or any other c compiler. Then open youtube, type “c totorial for beginner”. A bunch of video playlist will show. Choose as you like. Next go to your local book store and buy the Indian standard c learning book “ let us c".

Try writing at least one program a day, from firsy day itself. First few days you might have to just copy available program in your textbook and compile. Gradually try to write your own code.

At this stage, join C discussion forums, there are many..just google. Ideally a new language take around 72 hours to start understanding..learning is a lifelong process.

Start learning You can start with these courses (

1. C Programming For Beginners – Master the C Language
2. Advanced C Programming: Pointers
3. C Programming Tutorials
4. C - Geeks for Geeks
5. Learning to Program in C by Jonathan Engelsma
6. C Programming For Beginners
7. C Programming with Linux
8. Introduction to Programming in C
9. Learning C
10. Writing, Running, and Fixing Code in C

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