Raspberry Pi 3b+ compatibility

have you already tested the compatibility of the MonsterBorg with the new Raspberry Pi 3b+?
Are there any known problems or compatibility issues?
Or is there a significant performance improvement?
Thank you & best regards,
N. Vi

piborg's picture

We have tested our MonsterBorg kits with the new Raspberry Pi 3B+ and they are fully compatible :)

The examples will behave exactly the same as they do on the Pi 3, but it is possible to make a couple of performance improvements:

  • With the improved WiFi you may be able to improve the camera frame rate in our Web UI script by increasing the displayRate value slightly. This will depend on how good your WiFi connection is.
  • Our Self drive example will also benefit with the faster performance as it will respond to changes slightly quicker. You might even be able to increase the frameRate setting and improve the reaction times even more :)

The only other differences with using a 3B+ are:

  • The MonsterBorg should power up slightly quicker
  • Improved WiFi should help when using the Web UI or other forms of remote control
  • The 3B+ consumes slightly more power, but it will not affect battery life noticeably (the motors use much more power)

Just to follow up on your comment, could you confirm compatability of the Thunderborg Motor Controller (on its own) with the Raspberry Pi 3B+? I'm not familiar with the Monsterborg robot but it looks like it has the Thunderborg MC attached so I'm assuming this means 3B+ compatability with the MC but would just like to confirm this.

Thanks in advance!

piborg's picture

Sorry about the slow reply, we have been crazy busy this week :(

Yes, the ThunderBorg is fully compatible with the Raspberry Pi 3B+. Both the ThunderBorg on its own and the ThunderBorg + ThunderBorg Lid will work fine with a 3B+ :)

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