Submitted by nvi-bn on Thu, 04/05/2018 - 23:51
have you already tested the compatibility of the MonsterBorg with the new Raspberry Pi 3b+?
Are there any known problems or compatibility issues?
Or is there a significant performance improvement?
Thank you & best regards,
N. Vi
Fri, 04/06/2018 - 11:07
MonsterBorg compatibility with the Raspberry Pi 3B+
We have tested our MonsterBorg kits with the new Raspberry Pi 3B+ and they are fully compatible :)
The examples will behave exactly the same as they do on the Pi 3, but it is possible to make a couple of performance improvements:
value slightly. This will depend on how good your WiFi connection is.frameRate
setting and improve the reaction times even more :)The only other differences with using a 3B+ are:
Mon, 04/16/2018 - 22:32
Thunderborg Compatability w Pi 3B+
Just to follow up on your comment, could you confirm compatability of the Thunderborg Motor Controller (on its own) with the Raspberry Pi 3B+? I'm not familiar with the Monsterborg robot but it looks like it has the Thunderborg MC attached so I'm assuming this means 3B+ compatability with the MC but would just like to confirm this.
Thanks in advance!
Fri, 04/20/2018 - 09:45
ThunderBorg compatibility with the Pi 3B+
Sorry about the slow reply, we have been crazy busy this week :(
Yes, the ThunderBorg is fully compatible with the Raspberry Pi 3B+. Both the ThunderBorg on its own and the ThunderBorg + ThunderBorg Lid will work fine with a 3B+ :)