Missing Scripts and PiHut Gamepad Controller

OK so I have been following your (excellent) assembly guides from your web site and have setup an SD card. I have used a Sept 2017 version of Raspbian Stretch and installed the ThunderBorg and MonsterBorg example scripts using:
bash <(curl https://www.piborg.org/installer/install-monsterborg.txt)

It seemed to work a treat, however, when I looked in the MonsterBorg directory for the ./runMonsterJoy.sh it failed to find it. On looking the directory is blank?

I then ran the ThunderBorg Joystick script and managed to get the Borg going Backwards and Forwards but nothing else?

I am using a PiHut Wireless Game Controller:


So do I need to follow your JoyBorg scripts page ? I am not sure if this is a PS3 or 4 unbranded controller?

piborg's picture

It sounds like the MonsterBorg scripts failed to download properly.

You can download and unpack them using these commands:

mkdir ~/monsterborg
cd ~/monsterborg
wget http://www.piborg.org/downloads/monsterborg/examples.zip
unzip examples.zip
chmod +x install.sh

As for the steering control you may need to change the settings at the top of the script so that it understands the controller.

Just to confirm the MonsterBorg should turn left if you hold the left stick up and the right stick to the left at the same time.

Thanks for the reply - been ill so no progress yet.

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