HELP!!!!! My PS3 controller won't connect

So I have a diddyborg kit and i am at the stage of connecting the ps3 controller via. bluetooth but whenever i try it does't recognise the controller as a gamepad and it actually recognises it as a keyboard and sometimes asks me to type in a code using the controller or it is waiting for a response from the device.

I am using a raspberry pi 3 with bluetooth and wifi built-in.

piborg's picture

It sounds like the Raspberry Pi is confused as to what the controller actually is.

It might help if we can get some more detailed information about your controller. Could you take a screenshot after doing the following:

  1. Power off the Raspberry Pi
  2. Make sure the controller is not attached via the USB cable
  3. Power the Raspberry Pi
  4. Connect the PS3 controller using the USB cable now
  5. Wait a few seconds
  6. Run this command: dmesg

You should see something like the image below with lines talking about the controller being connected.

If you could take a copy / screenshot of the output for us to look at :)

I have done it and i still get the exact same printout

piborg's picture

Could you take a screenshot after doing those steps so we can see the output?

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