Erratic move

Any idea why I have such erratic moves when running ?

Video Link:

Using a LDO-42STH47-1684A stepper. Specs link:

I adjusted the code to match the specs:

root@raspberrypi:~/zeroborg# diff zbStepperSequence.py_orig
< voltageIn = 8.4                         # Total battery voltage to the ZeroBorg (change to 9V if using a non-rechargeable battery)
< voltageOut = 3.0                        # Maximum stepper motor voltage when holding / turning
> voltageIn = 9.0                         # Total battery voltage to the ZeroBorg (change to 9V if using a non-rechargeable battery)
> voltageOut = 2.8                        # Maximum stepper motor voltage when holding / turning
< stepDelay = 0.002                       # Delay between steps
> stepDelay = 0.003                       # Delay between steps
piborg's picture

The most likely explanations are that the delay is not long enough or that not enough power is getting to the stepper.

I would start by making stepDelay rather large, for example 0.1.

If the large step delay works then you can experiment with lowering the value until you find the lowest setting that works correctly. If it does not work then you need more power.

If you need more power or the delay still seems excessive after experimenting try slowly increasing voltageOut, probably by about 0.1 at a time until the motor moves correctly. You may find the voltage from the ZeroBorg is actually a bit lower than the number specified, especially when using batteries.

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