Reverse Software

I have to hang my head in shame.

I have managed to get the alterations I planned.

Adding the LiPo battery and rewiring the underneath of the DiddyBorg, so that the reverse is now on the base plate rather than underside.
I have had it running using the web UI.

Now I am ready to start the programming so that the DiddyBorg roams around the house. Ultemate plans are to have it taking air quality readings.

So now I have to get a ultraborg full kit and set up ready to avoid collisions.

(plus spending time on the Horizons 3 PiBorg car design)

I have a mssive favour to ask of you PiBorg.

can you attach a text file version of the reverse board software?
and ultraborg ready for when I get one.

I am sure I am going to bomard you with stupid questions. It has been years since I programmed (probably 30+) and I have to learn Python too.

Thank you in advance.


piborg's picture

Which bit(s) of the Reverse software were you after?

There are quite a few examples along with the main library itself.

Hi Piborg

It's basically the programme you provide to have the Diddy Borg running.

I just need to know how to programme the pi so that it makes the 'Borg move.
I think it's called PicoRevRed. It's the getting started software.

I would like it as a text file so I can print it out and read it the old fashioned way. A text file I can open with the laptop and print.
The examples you have on the site are on a black background and for some reason I can't copy and paste it.

I actually feel quite dense for having to ask...

Thanks for being so understanding



piborg's picture

I assume we are talking about the script - this takes inputs from a joystick / gamepad and uses them to move the DiddyBorg around.

The file is attached as text below for you.
Let me know if there are any other scripts you wanted to read ^_^

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