Using the UltraBorg as an extension card to the PicoBorg Reverse

I have Diddyborg which I would like to expand with additional features, including 2 servo (Pi Camera Pan/Tilt) and several HC-SRO4. Your new UltraBorg would seem to have the capabilities I am looking for. So, my question is can I use the Expansion Capabilities of either the UltraBorg and or the PicoBorg Reverse to connect the boards to each other using 2 - 3 pin cables which would then connect to the first 6 pins on my Pi2 using an addition 2 3 pin cables. I am trying to solve the problem that both boards want to connect to pins 1-6 on the Pi.

piborg's picture

You can happily connect both of these boards using the 6-pin expansion headers.

It doe not matter which order you attach the boards, so you could either have:
Raspberry Pi → UltraBorg → PicoBorg Reverse
Raspberry Pi → PicoBorg Reverse → UltraBorg

Assuming you are mounting the UltraBorg closer to the Raspberry Pi it would probably be easier to go via the UltraBorg first.

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