DoodleBorg - Controlled using a PS3 controller
This is the script we are using to control DoodleBorg using a PS3 controller.
It uses the same idea as the
To download the files click on their names above the source, they should be saved without the "
It uses the same idea as the
example with the following modifications:- It sets up six boards to talk to
- Each board is set to drive a single motor (
instead ofSetMotor1
) - Checking has been added to ensure the controller is in range and talking, otherwise the motors are turned off
- The communication failsafes on each board have been enabled using
- The script waits for the controller to be attached, this way it can be started before the controller is connected
cd ~/picoborgrev
To download the files click on their names above the source, they should be saved without the "
" at the end of the
#!/bin/bash ./ > /dev/null
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: Latin-1 # Load library functions we want import time import os import sys import pygame import PicoBorgRev # Re-direct our output to standard error, we need to ignore standard out to hide some nasty print statements from pygame sys.stdout = sys.stderr # Setup the PicoBorg Reverses PBR = [] for i in range(6): nextPBR = PicoBorgRev.PicoBorgRev() nextPBR.i2cAddress = 0x10 + i nextPBR.Init() if not nextPBR.foundChip: boards = PicoBorgRev.ScanForPicoBorgReverse() if len(boards) == 0: print 'No PicoBorg Reverse found, check you are attached :)' else: print 'No PicoBorg Reverse at address %02X, but we did find %d boards:' % (nextPBR.i2cAddress, len(boards)) for board in boards: print ' %02X (%d)' % (board, board) print 'If you need to change the I²C address change the setup line so it is correct, e.g.' print 'PBR.i2cAddress = 0x%02X' % (boards[0]) sys.exit() #nextPBR.SetEpoIgnore(True) # Uncomment to disable EPO latch, needed if you do not have a switch / jumper nextPBR.ResetEpo() # Ensure the communications failsafe has been enabled! failsafe = False for i in range(5): nextPBR.SetCommsFailsafe(True) failsafe = nextPBR.GetCommsFailsafe() if failsafe: break if not failsafe: print 'Board %02X failed to report in failsafe mode!' % (nextPBR.i2cAddress) sys.exit() PBR.append(nextPBR) # Settings for the joystick axisUpDown = 1 # Joystick axis to read for up / down position axisUpDownInverted = False # Set this to True if up and down appear to be swapped axisLeftRight = 2 # Joystick axis to read for left / right position axisLeftRightInverted = False # Set this to True if left and right appear to be swapped buttonResetEpo = 3 # Joystick button number to perform an EPO reset (Start) buttonSlow = 8 # Joystick button number for driving slowly whilst held (L2) slowFactor = 0.5 # Speed to slow to when the drive slowly button is held, e.g. 0.5 would be half speed buttonFastTurn = 9 # Joystick button number for turning fast (R2) interval = 0.02 # Time between updates in seconds, smaller responds faster but uses more processor time controllerLostLoops = 20 # Number of loops without any joystick events before announcing the joystick as out of range # Setup pygame and wait for the joystick to become available for PBRx in PBR: PBRx.MotorsOff() os.environ["SDL_VIDEODRIVER"] = "dummy" # Removes the need to have a GUI window pygame.init() print 'Waiting for joystick... (press CTRL+C to abort)' while True: try: try: pygame.joystick.init() # Attempt to setup the joystick if pygame.joystick.get_count() < 1: # No joystick attached, toggle the LED for PBRx in PBR: PBRx.SetLed(not PBRx.GetLed()) pygame.joystick.quit() time.sleep(0.5) else: # We have a joystick, attempt to initialise it! joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) break except pygame.error: # Failed to connect to the joystick, toggle the LED for PBRx in PBR: PBRx.SetLed(not PBRx.GetLed()) pygame.joystick.quit() time.sleep(0.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: # CTRL+C exit, give up print '\nUser aborted' for PBRx in PBR: PBRx.SetLed(True) sys.exit() print 'Joystick found' joystick.init() for PBRx in PBR: PBRx.SetLed(False) try: print 'Press CTRL+C to quit' driveLeft = 0.0 driveRight = 0.0 running = True hadEvent = False upDown = 0.0 leftRight = 0.0 loopsWithoutEvent = 0 controllerLost = False # Loop indefinitely while running: # Get the latest events from the system hadEvent = False events = pygame.event.get() # Handle each event individually for event in events: if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # User exit running = False elif event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN: # A button on the joystick just got pushed down hadEvent = True elif event.type == pygame.JOYAXISMOTION: # A joystick has been moved hadEvent = True if hadEvent: # Read axis positions (-1 to +1) if axisUpDownInverted: upDown = -joystick.get_axis(axisUpDown) else: upDown = joystick.get_axis(axisUpDown) if axisLeftRightInverted: leftRight = -joystick.get_axis(axisLeftRight) else: leftRight = joystick.get_axis(axisLeftRight) # Apply steering speeds if not joystick.get_button(buttonFastTurn): leftRight *= 0.5 # Determine the drive power levels driveLeft = -upDown driveRight = -upDown if leftRight < -0.05: # Turning left driveLeft *= 1.0 + (2.0 * leftRight) elif leftRight > 0.05: # Turning right driveRight *= 1.0 - (2.0 * leftRight) # Check for button presses if joystick.get_button(buttonResetEpo): for PBRx in PBR: PBRx.ResetEpo() if joystick.get_button(buttonSlow): driveLeft *= slowFactor driveRight *= slowFactor # Set the motors to the new speeds PBR[0].SetMotors(-driveLeft) PBR[1].SetMotors(-driveLeft) PBR[2].SetMotors(-driveLeft) PBR[3].SetMotors(driveRight) PBR[4].SetMotors(driveRight) PBR[5].SetMotors(driveRight) if hadEvent: # Reset the controller lost counter loopsWithoutEvent = 0 if controllerLost: # We had lost the controller, we have now found it again print 'Controller re-connected, move joystick to resume operation' for PBRx in PBR: PBRx.SetLed(False) controllerLost = False elif controllerLost: # Controller has been lost, pulse the LED at a regular loop count loopsWithoutEvent += 1 if (loopsWithoutEvent % (controllerLostLoops / 10)) == 0: for PBRx in PBR: PBRx.SetLed(not PBRx.GetLed()) # Attempt to reset the joystick module del joystick pygame.joystick.quit() pygame.joystick.init() if pygame.joystick.get_count() < 1: # Controller has been disconnected, poll for reconnection print 'Controller disconnected!' while pygame.joystick.get_count() < 1: time.sleep(interval * (controllerLostLoops / 10)) pygame.joystick.quit() pygame.joystick.init() for PBRx in PBR: PBRx.SetLed(not PBRx.GetLed()) # Grab the joystick again joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) joystick.init() continue # Skip to the next loop after the interval time.sleep(interval) continue else: # No events this loop, check if it has been too long since we saw an event loopsWithoutEvent += 1 if loopsWithoutEvent > controllerLostLoops: # It has been too long, disable control! print 'Controller lost!' for PBRx in PBR: PBRx.MotorsOff() PBRx.SetLed(True) controllerLost = True # Skip to the next loop after the interval time.sleep(interval) continue # Change the LED to reflect the status of the EPO latch for PBRx in PBR: PBRx.SetLed(PBRx.GetEpo()) # Wait for the interval period time.sleep(interval) # Disable all drives for PBRx in PBR: PBRx.MotorsOff() except KeyboardInterrupt: # CTRL+C exit, disable all drives print '\nUser shutdown' for PBRx in PBR: PBRx.MotorsOff() except: # Unexpected error, shut down! e = sys.exc_info()[0] print print e print '\nUnexpected error, shutting down!' for PBRx in PBR: try: PBRx.MotorsOff() except: pass for PBRx in PBR: try: PBRx.SetCommsFailsafe(False) PBRx.SetLed(True) except: pass print